How Much Will my Roof and Siding Replacement Cost?


Roof and Siding Replacement Cost

Your roof and siding are the key to a welcoming first impression and your first line of defense against the elements. Few things play as great a role in the appearance and comfort of a home.

If you’re a homeowner in need of a roofing or siding replacement, you may feel uneasy about how much it will cost you. It’s true that projects of this size tend to be good investments. But the good news is you can generally avoid cost overruns, ensure you’re working with a transparent contractor, and secure financing to cushion the impact on your household budget.

The following information will help you do all those things, regardless of whether you’re in our service area.

Let’s look at the new roof and siding costs you might expect for a typical replacement project.

And, at the end of this article, we’ll also tell you the single greatest cost that people tend to ignore.

I. Cost to Replace Roof

One of the biggest factors influencing the cost of a roofing job is whether to do an overlay (re-shingle over your existing roof) or replace the roof. Replacing a roof costs roughly twice the amount to overlay, while re-shingling a roof that actually needs to be replaced can be ruinous (We’ll explain why in a moment). Angie’s List lays out many of the pros and cons here.

Given the right circumstances, either an overlay or a reroof can be sensible, but your contractor should be able to provide a clear rationale for their recommendation.

There are two types of mistakes that are very dangerous with overlays. First, New York building code (and just best practices) limits contractors to adding one layer of roofing shingles over the original one. Also, you can only add shingles over 3-tab (flat) shingles, never architectural shingles.

Here’s why:

  • First, a layer of shingles placed over architectural, or dimensional shingles isn’t likely to last long. It’s like duct taping a bumper back on a car.

  • Second, an improper overlay will harm the structural integrity of the entire roof.

  • Finally, if there’s any underlying damage, mold or rot, it will go unnoticed and become far worse.

We know roofing shingles aren’t a day-to-day topic of conversation for most people, so here’s an article that lays out the distinction between 3-tab and architectural shingles.

Here are the average costs for each type of roofing job we do at B&B Siding:

  • Overlay: $6,000 to $8,500

  • New roof: $13,000 – $25,000*

*(These costs include construction debris removal fees in addition to materials and labor.)

For a more in-depth discussion of the average roof replacement cost, read our related post: How Much Will it Cost to Replace my Roof?

cost of my roof

II. Cost to Replace Siding

The cost of siding renovations can be more varied because of the availability of upgrades, which while not always necessary, improve the appearance and comfort of your home.

People tend to think of siding as a superficial thing, but siding renovations can also be an opportunity to enhance the underlying insulation, making your home more comfortable and energy efficient.

Let’s look at the costs of replacing/upgrading both the insulation and the siding itself:

  • Insulation. The costs of our insulation upgrades range from about $775 for a basic upgrade to around $2,250 at the high end. A high-end upgrade includes 1-inch polystyrene insulation, which is more robust. If you’re home is drafty, the added personal comfort and energy efficiency is well worth the cost.

  • Siding. The second type of siding upgrades people often opt for are to the siding itself. These can range from about $1,900 for a basic upgrade, to $5,500 for the most robust, fully insulated siding.

The average overall cost of a siding & shake renovation project with B&B Siding and Roofing is in the $18,000 – $32,000 range. (For long-lasting premium materials such as Hardie and composite siding the high end can be upwards of $50,000+.)

For a more in-depth discussion of the average cost to replace siding, read our related post: How Much Will it Cost to Replace my Siding?


III. Financing & Timing of Payments

Sometimes the sticking point isn’t how much you pay, it’s when you pay. This is especially unfortunate because with roof and siding repairs in particular, waiting too long will often compound the damage. The resulting exposure can contribute to mold, decay, pests, and even drive up your energy bills.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s why:

  • Financing for renovation projects is simple and accessible. Even if you don’t have a lot of equity in your home, you might be pleasantly surprised at how accessible low- or zero interest home improvement financing is. Financing can allow you to move forward with a necessary work that might otherwise have been unaffordable.

  • Consumer protection laws limit down payments. Many homeowners might be concerned about the size of down payment they might need just to get started. This is understandable.

At B&B Siding, we offer 12 months of interest free financing through Wells Fargo.

Zero interest financing can greatly cushion the impact of any eligible home improvement project.

One thing that differentiates B&B Siding is that we don’t require any down payment when ordering stock materials. (We do, however, ask for a deposit on special order products or windows.)

Has a contractor asked you for a significantly larger down payment? Some state and local laws cap the amount a contractor can request as a down payment. If you’re asked for an unreasonable up-front payment, check your local and state consumer protection laws. This isn’t hard to do thanks to a federal directory, which you can access with the link below.

To save you time, we’ve also linked New York and New Jersey state consumer protection resources.



Legal limits on cost overruns. As we’ve written before, any contingencies that might result in cost overruns or delays should be clearly stated in your estimate. But many states and localities also have laws limiting how much the final cost can exceed an estimate. Contractors subject to these laws have to get prior approval from homeowners if cost overruns are significant. But as far as we’re concerned, that’s just the right way to do business, regardless of the law.

The single greatest cost of roofing & siding jobs

When it comes to any home renovation, you want to make the right choice and get a square deal. That’s why we would never discourage someone from getting a second, third, or even fourth estimate on a roofing or siding job.

Just make sure you treat upgrades and repairs to your home’s envelope as a priority.

When it comes to many roofing and siding projects, the biggest cost you’ll ever encounter is the cost of procrastination. Every homeowner should have a clear-eyed understanding of which renovations can be delayed, and which can’t. With roof and siding repairs in particular, waiting too long will often compound the damage. The resulting exposure can contribute to mold, decay, pests, and even drive up your energy bills.

The greatest cost of a roofing or siding job can be procrastination. See what happened to this Staten Island resident who waited too long.

Even for non-urgent upgrades, delaying a home improvement project tends to result in increased costs. because in the long run, the cost of both labor and raw materials trend upward.

We’ve seen too many people learn this the hard way. Don’t be one of them.

At B&B Siding and Roofing, we give accurate estimates and stick to them.

If you’re in New Jersey or Staten Island contact us any time you need a quote for a siding, roofing, window, door, or gutter project!

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